So I’m a day late on my Wine Wednesday post but with good reason. Last night we were supposed to go to a wine tasting event at Natali Vineyards in Cape May County. However the lovely weather we have been having in Southern New Jersey made the event which was outdoors a wash out. I had wanted to suggest one of the wines I would have tried so I was planning on holding off on posting till afterwards. Alas no wine was had last night. But over the weekend I did have a great red wine, which will be this weeks pick.
So this weeks wine is Gascon Malbec 2010. It’s an Argentina wine and Argentina is known for it’s great Malbec’s. This wine will not give you heart burn which is a huge plus since post baby I still get heartburn. John loves this wine as well. So unlike last weeks pick this weeks is very guy friendly. We had it with sushi a few months ago and I thought it went well. But I love it so much I would drink it with anything. I think it was about 13.99 a bottle which is working it’s way toward the higher end of what I like to spend but it’s worth the splurge!
And my reason for whining is…. My in-laws dog. My in-laws have a friendly older dog named Buddy who they insist on taking everywhere they go. The dog has hip problems and an anxiety issue. He is a great dog and I love dogs but he is not in the shape to play with my dog Bailey. Every time he is around Bailey he runs away. Bailey is too high energy for this older dog yet my MIL insists on bringing him every time she comes over. Which means Bailey starts barking incessantly as soon as she pulls up. Then Buddy comes in and starts whining and wheezing really loud and runs to get away from Baily. Bailey runs after him full speed hoping to play. I know have 2 uncontrollable dogs running around my less than 1000 square foot home. As if that’s not enough all the commotion always leads to Jackson crying. John has asked twice in recent days for them not to bring the dog but my mother in law keeps saying, “Buddy likes to go for a ride”. He’s a dog he likes to lick his ass too, he will get over it. Stop bringing the dog end of story. Every time I see that dog my blood pressure rises. On top of that they have banned Bailey from their home. Why must they bring their dog to mine? The puppy wars, my reason for whining this week. Please feel free to whine in the comments.
Happy whining!
Jul, I love you blog and reading about all your adventures! I think you really need to put your foot down with the MIL on several topics you've written about here…
All families need boundries, it appears that MIL has the best of intentions but is seemingly unclear as to what is non-negotiable for your family.
My new in laws are similar in that they pretty much do whatever it is they want with no regard for other people. Regardless of how many times they are asked not to, they just keep doing these things. Ultimately the only thing that has worked and keeps working is having some chutzpah and telling them straight. For Example: "Look I like your dog but we can no longer have him over the house because a. he is too disruptive for our dog, b. his visits cause too much stress for the baby and our family. The decision has been made, we are more than happy to have you visit without Buddy."
"The decision has been made" has been the MOST important phrase EVER for us…it really lets them know you're serious and that what you are saying is non-negotiable.
Best of Luck with everything!
Thanks Michelle I am glad you are enjoying the blog. I love your example and "the decision has been made". I will have to try this line out for myself.