05/22/11 Almost 6 month
I have been working on and off for about 2 weeks and now it appears I am at home again for the duration. The next time I work is on Saturday June 4Th. Otherwise I have no work ahead. The weather has gotten so much nicer, so Jackson and I have been getting out for walks almost everyday. Also a lot of my friends who have kids are home on maternity leave so we have been able to have a few play dates. It’s great getting out and talking with other moms. I mall-walked again first time in a few months with my friend Hillary. Her son is 2 weeks old and she was ready to get out of the house. I give her credit for getting out so early. I was so nervous and overwhelmed by the idea of taking Jackson out on my own that I waited until he was 8 weeks old.
Being home has also allowed me to get Jackson back into a napping routine. Now when he spends the day with his Nana and she doesn’t put him down for his nap it is easier to get him back into the habit. I’m also finding that he is becoming a slightly more reliable napper in the past few days. Which is nice and if the nap isn’t perfect (not at the right time or not long enough) we just move on. We go for a walk or play till the next nap time arrives. I find we are both happier this way.
We had a play date about a week and a half ago that just didn’t go well. Jack was in a bad mood, I forgot to bring a toy to lunch. Let’s call it a disaster and move on. The mom I was out with seemed to have it all together. I was so mad at myself for not having it together. Then my friend Kelle reminded me that you always think you have it together for like a week and then it all goes to hell. Which is true. I remember when Jack had his 4 month check up I felt like a rock star. The doctor told me to put him down drowsy, to set a bedtime routine, to read to him and to make sure he was getting time on his tummy. I was already doing all these things! I was thrilled. Then about 10 days later it all went to hell. Jackson wouldn’t nap, he was eating to much and his lovely schedule had fallen apart. It seems that for every time you have it “together” there is another time around the corner where it will all fall apart.
We had a fabulous play date at the park this week with Kelle and Mia. I love play dates with them because for the most part Kelle and I are on the same page when it comes to being a mom. I love hearing how other moms do it but it’s nice when you find one who seems to have the same philosophy as you. Kelle and I are both very laid back so neither of us are going to let a little spit up spoil a play date. It’s also nice that Jack and Mia are almost exactly the same age. Which means that they are on similar schedule and can do similar activities. It just makes everything easier. Jackson and Mia played on a blanket and had a blast just staring at one another. Ah the simple things.
After the park Jack and I ran a couple of errands. I have to confess that I have never run errands alone with him before and even this time we kept it short and sweet. We dropped some clothes off at the donation boxes and then we went to Starbucks because mommy wanted a coffee. Jackson made eyes at all the ladies in Starbucks. He was such a good little boy. Then we headed home where he proceeded to take a 2 hour nap, on top of the 2 hour nap he had taken that morning. In the afternoon he was cheerful and playful. All in all a perfect day.
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