So about a week ago we had a good run. Jackson napped for both am and afternoon nap for a week straight. This is a first and is a huge accomplishment. Then on Sunday after our fabulous week he did not nap at all but it was OK because after so many days of good naps I knew he would fall back into his routine and for the most part he has. I think he is going through a growth spurt though because this week he started waking up between 4 and 5 am. I have figured out that when he wakes up at this hour that I feed him a small bottle about 3-4 ounces and then immediately put him back to bed. With the exception of Sunday he falls right back to sleep. Then I wake him again at 630 that way he doesn’t get off his routine. I have discovered that if I let him sleep past 630 that he gets off his schedule and doesn’t nap. So as much as it sucks to get back up at 630 it’s better than the alternative.
Jackson’s naps have become anywhere from an hour and a ½ to 2 ½ hours. He napped for 3 hours yesterday! I’m amazed at how far we have come nap wise. There was a time when there was no nap in Jack and those were some rough days.
I’m leaving Jackson over night with my mom while John and I go to a wedding. This is the first time I’ve left him over night with my mom. I’m nervous about it . I’m not nervous about my mom taking care of him because she does an excellent job but I am worried about my dad. My dad doesn’t like to hear Jack cry and at some point there will be crying, he’s 6 months old it practically unavoidable. So we will see how it goes. It has to go well because in a few weeks we will be leaving Jackson with them for several days while we go to Seattle for my sister in laws wedding.
I know a lot of moms worry about leaving their kids overnight or with a sitter. But as long as Jack is with family I know I don’t have to worry. He only stays with my parents or my in laws and I know that they all only have Jacks best interest in mind. Also Jack loves being around all of his grandparents. His face lights up as soon as he sees one of them. Sure I get sad when I wake up in the am and his smiling face isn’t there. But I also enjoy the extra bit of sleep and the down time in the am. I think leaving him overnight is good for both of us. It gets each of us used to being without the other. I knew when I had him that I wanted to leave him overnight early on so that I could adjust to it, that way when he is older and more aware of what is going on it won’t be traumatic for both of us. At some point Jack is going to become aware of my comings and goings and I think getting used to being cared for my other people is a good thing.
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