I can still remember the moment
clearly. Still feel the way my chest lunged and my brain was too slow to
process the information.
clearly. Still feel the way my chest lunged and my brain was too slow to
process the information.
I was sitting on the beach in Marco
Island, Fl when the phone rang. It was my office and I couldn’t understand why
they would be calling me on vacation.
Island, Fl when the phone rang. It was my office and I couldn’t understand why
they would be calling me on vacation.
When I answered a co-worker told me
the news. News, that I couldn’t understand or fathom. That my friend (and co-worker)
had given birth to her daughter the previous day, but that the baby had passed
away due to a rare kidney disease.
the news. News, that I couldn’t understand or fathom. That my friend (and co-worker)
had given birth to her daughter the previous day, but that the baby had passed
away due to a rare kidney disease.
When I hung up the phone I was in
I said to my mom, “these things don’t happen,
not in this day and age. We have doctors and surgeons who can fix things. These
things just don’t happen”.
not in this day and age. We have doctors and surgeons who can fix things. These
things just don’t happen”.
But my mom gently reminded me that
they do happen.
they do happen.
Ten years ago my cousin’s son was
born with a heart defect and died at 13 months old.
born with a heart defect and died at 13 months old.
Unfortunately these things do happen.
They happen too often and sometimes all the best science and medicine in the
world can’t prevent it.
They happen too often and sometimes all the best science and medicine in the
world can’t prevent it.
So we walk, with The March of
Dimes, in memory of those babies who didn’t make it. And in honor of those who
did, despite being born too soon.
Dimes, in memory of those babies who didn’t make it. And in honor of those who
did, despite being born too soon.
We walk because we were blessed
with a healthy baby boy.
with a healthy baby boy.
We walk to raise awareness and
money so that more babies can have the chance to come into this world full term
and healthy.
money so that more babies can have the chance to come into this world full term
and healthy.
We walk to support moms who have lost a baby.
And we walk, so that, maybe, some
day these things won’t happen anymore.
day these things won’t happen anymore.
If you would like to learn more about the March of Dimes or support our efforts please follow the link.
Also I wanted to share THIS STORY about a mother with twins who’s water broke at 18 weeks and what is and is not being done to help her twins come into this world.
Please like Wine In Mom on Facebook.
I have two nephews who were born extremely early and thank God, they are both with us. This cause is certainly near and dear to my heart. Thank you for reminding us all.
Sometimes we think that the medical field is perfect and Doctors can preform magic. They can only do so much. We have many health issues in my family and although medicine has provided great treatment, it is also up to us to treat our bodies the best we can.
Those are the very best reasons to walk. Thank you for sharing this with us.