At 18 months …
We have moved our baby from the house he’s
always known to my parents house, while our family waits to settle on a new
always known to my parents house, while our family waits to settle on a new
Our days are full of laughs and kisses.
And I find myself saying “no” more than
I would like too.
I would like too.
His joy and his frustration can not
be contained. When he’s happy the whole world knows and when he’s miserable the
whole world knows.
be contained. When he’s happy the whole world knows and when he’s miserable the
whole world knows.
I’m starting to let go of my need to
control every minute. I’m trying not to stress about nap times and meal times
and sticking to a schedule.
control every minute. I’m trying not to stress about nap times and meal times
and sticking to a schedule.
I’m trying but not always
He wants to run when I need him to
walk and wants to walk when it would be easier for me to carry him.
He loves pushing his toy trucks
across the floor. Anything on wheels has his attention.
across the floor. Anything on wheels has his attention.
Naps have improved. Some days three
hours, some days one, but either way most days he wakes up happy.
hours, some days one, but either way most days he wakes up happy.
I’m learning how much he is like me; the quietness, the shyness, the need to be alone from time to time.
I both love and worry about how much
he is like me.
he is like me.
He sleeps with his blankie and his
His favorite story remains Brown
Bear, Brown Bear.
Bear, Brown Bear.
He loves riding in a shopping cart.
He pulls at his high chair when he’s hungry and says “bye-bye” and “side” when he wants to go out to play.
Cookie Monster has totally won the battle for favorite Sesame Street character. At he sight of him Jack yells, “Gookie!”
He knows what we say more often than he does what we say.
His favorite words are shoes, ball, mama and pop.
Though he can say a lot more.
Though he can say a lot more.
When a stranger approaches him he says, “bye-bye” and waves.
He gives kisses and then wants to be applauded.
A bag full of gold fish is a life saver on any
At 18 months I wonder how I got so lucky. He fills me with
more joy and laughter than I think I deserve.
more joy and laughter than I think I deserve.
At 18 months, I want to press
pause because I know that tantrums and potty training are around the corner.
But right now I’m not worring about what’s coming next. I’m not reading books or searching for answers, like I usually do. Instead I’m enjoying 18 months, because 18 months will quickly become 19 months and who knows what those days will bring. But these days are short and fast and so full that I want to hold them all a moment longer.
What a precious little boy! The time does go so fast and it can be so hard to allow them to do more by themselves. It is the beginning of that tightrope you will walk until they are young adults: how much to hang on and how much to let go and let them do themselves.
Hang on tight for the ride. It is an exhilarating one!
I think a tightrope is the perfect way to describe it.
I really owe Pepperidge Farm a lot! I can't tell you how often Goldfish have been the answer for my girls. They are a lifesaver!!
So happy you are living in the day and enjoying it. It does go by fast. It feels like just yesterday that my first was born and she turned 10 in March.
Such a lifesaver. I can't believe how fast it goes, it feels like I just found out I was pregnant with him, lol.
I absolutely love 18 months. My favorite age. I recently had all our home movies transferred to disc and have been spending hours watching footage of my older kids when they were babies. I can't watch too much because it makes me sad!! They just grow so quickly! Babies are so much fun. My youngest is turning four this July and I can hardly think about it because it makes me depressed. I know I should be rejoicing that she's happy, healthy, and getting older as all babies should….and I am so thankful for that… but there's just a part of me that wishes I could freeze time. Or go back in time, just for a day. Just to have the baby stage again 🙂
So nice to read how much you are enjoying your little guy. He's a cutie!
Oh I so need to get more video of him at this age.
I love this age too! They are so fun and their personalities really start to shine. I wish we could hold onto this stage for a bit longer.
You are so right, their personalities really do start to shine.
He's adorable. We're at the same age so it's fun to see what other littles are up to.
It's such a fun age, I will have to check out your blog.
Just enjoy this time!