At 22 months….
He says more words than I can count. Every day he surprises me with a new word. He gets giddy when he can put a word to an object.
He says “Thank you” for everything and I can only hope this politeness will last and is a positive reflection of my job as a mom. The words, “Thank you, Mama” make my heart melt.
Mickey and Elmo are his favorite. He met Elmo last month and still talks about it.
He sleeps with his blankie and Mickey and a menagerie of other characters. Though most of them end up on the floor long before he falls asleep.
I’ve learned that skinned knees come with the territory when it comes to having a son and Jack has learned to say, “boo-boo”.
He has started to recognize his friends. When he saw a little boy from our music class in the parking lot, he took my hand to walk over to him.
He eats surprisinly well some days and only wants cherrios the next day. I’m amazed by the foods he’s willing to try.
His favorite “game” is Nite, Nite when he lays his stuffed animals or mommy down to go to bed and says, “nite nite”.
I’m letting go of the schedule a little and trying to be more spontaneous.
I’m accepting that getting a night out means accepting that my in laws won’t put him to bed on time or feed him dinner on time or do anything on time.
I’m watching the babiness slowly drift out of him and the little boy slowly emerge.
His memory amazes me. He remembers episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and things he’s done and places he’s been.
He listens better than I thought possible. I ask him to stand next to Mama and he does. He understands so much more than he says.
He picks up new words and phrases every day. Watching what we say around him is starting to matter.
His favorite toys are his stuffed Mickey Mouse, Mr. Potato Head, blocks and his trucks.
He loves to take me by my finger and direct me to where he wants me to go. He loves to bring me to a chair and say “sit”.
I’m trying to find balance between always saying no and always saying yes. I’m trying to teach patience and politeness.
I’m finding that the days don’t seem as long as they used too and that there is so much more that we can do together than there was a year or even a few months ago.
I was recently asked how I like this stage compared to 18 months. I love them both but there is something so wonderful about his budding vocabulary and his desire to learn at 22 months that was not there at 18 months.
And at 22 months my husband said, “He will be 2 in two months”. And I gave him a dirty look and thought he has his age all wrong. And then I was shocked to realize that the hubs was right, my 22 month old will be a 2 year old very soon. How did that happen? Where did the time go?
I’m looking for friends or fellow bloggers to write guest posts to be posted at
the the end of next month. You don’t have to have a blog to participate. Just
looking for anyone who would like to share some good whing with my readers. If
you are interested please send me an email.
My little one is 20 months old and I agree, it's so amazing watching them grow and learn. Yet, I still wish for a pause button!
Yes! A pause button would be wonderful : )
He's getting so big!
Yes he is, I wish I could pause it for a moment.
AW… I have vague memories of this age.. mine are 8 and almost 10! It is a sweet time!
Such a sweet time I'm trying to capture it all so I can remember it.
It's heartwarming & heartbreaking at the same time to see them turn into little boys. I love polite children!
You put it so beautifully.
Oh, 22 months is so very big!
{I absolutely love the night-night game! So very sweet!}
It is the sweetest little game and I will be so sad when it's over.
My lil guy is also 22 months and the whole talking thing is amazing. I'm like, really? You knew this??? But then again, where did my baby go!?
I'm amazed in the past few days he's like a parrot repeating back what I say. So now I need to watch what I say, lol.
I just ADORE this age, where they are discovering and learning to do and say so much! Enjoy it – it certainly does go fast!!
Oh it goes way too fast. I adore this age too.
You just took me down memory lane with what you shared with my own daughters. Oh how I miss those little girls. I love the big ones but those little voices and all of the new learning and exploring seems so far away now. Thank goodness for technology so I can go back and visit them on the computer.
I feel like raising kids is always a trip down memory lane. I'm always nostalgic for things that have passed and looking forward to things that haven't happened yet.