Last week I wrote a post where I presumed to think that I was the reason that Jack has good manners.
Turns out I’m wrong. And while I do say “thank you” a lot, it was pointed out to me that I don’t say “please” very often, if at all, when asking John to do something.
I’m not sure when this happened. But when he told me this I knew that I couldn’t argue with him and that I would have to try to do better.
First of all because I want Jack to continue to be a polite little boy and if mama doesn’t say it then how can I expect him to?
But more so I want to remember to say it so that John knows I appriciate what he does. That I’m not just bossing him around, demanding things at every turn.
I don’t want to be that kind of wife.
Since my lack of politeness was pointed out to me, I’ve become more aware of the way I sound when I ask him to do things.
And quite frankly I don’t like the way I sound. I don’t like this person that is barking orders.
So I’m trying to get back to the basics. Back to the please and thank you’s that were once so ingrained in me.
Because I want to set a good example for Jack and I want John to know that I’m asking for help, not demanding it.
Has there been a time when you had to be reminded of your manners?
How do you set a good example for your kids?
I have to admit that sometimes I'm telling my kids to do something, not asking. :/
I think we all get catch ourselves doing that from time to time.
I think being honest is the first step, children will appreciate (and learn from) honest answers, even when they don't include the word "please"! Sounds like you are starting the conversation!
I think you make a good point about being honest. Thanks for stopping by.
I think sometimes in our hurry, in our desire to just get things done we forget manners. It's a constant reminder for myself.
It definitely has something to do with being in a hurry. The more stressed and rushed I am the more I feel like I'm barking orders.
You are so right and so smart to figure this out sooner rather than later. I look at my 11 year old and am horrified at her sassy tone only to realize she is ME!
I am a polite and reasonable adult, but sometimes can be very sarcastic with my kids when they are naughty. Yeah, I need to change that ASAP.
Isn't it amazing how much they pick up from us, the good and the bad. I'm always remnding myself of this.
I do have to remind myself each time I ask the kids to do something. And my husband is obnoxious because he always forces me to say please when I ask him to do something, even though he never does.
But, I always expect it from my kids, so, I'll keep at it. 🙂
You know I'm not even sure if my hubby says please. I think I may have to look into that.
I'm better at using my manners with the kids than with the husband…how sad is that? Definitely something I will work on.