My little boy, you are two years old.
Just saying those words surprises me.
How did you become two? Where did the little baby that I held so carefully in my arms go? How is it that now you barely fit in my arms and most times you don’t want to stay there.
How is it that rattles and mirrors and glow worms used to amuse you and now it’s all “Mama play cars” and “Mama play Lego’s”.
I’m reminded of these changes daily as I pack away baby toys and your vocabulary continues to grow.
You are so smart and your memory amazes me. You still remember where you rode the merry go round this summer. You can recognize all our friends and families cars. And forbid it that Daddy try to use Mama’s coffee mug because you are quick to say, “Mama’s cup”.
You are sweeter than I could have ever imagined. When I found out I was pregnant with you I imagined all things boy. Rough, and tumble and dirt and noise. And yet you are none of these.
You are sweet and sensitive and smart and inquisitive. You can play quietly or sit and look through a book. You are cautious and kind and polite. You are so much like me and yet you have your own likes and dislikes that you are happy to express.
You my sweet boy are the best bits and pieces of me and your father, the best bits of your Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop and of your Nana and Pop all rolled into one lovable little boy.
You, yes, you my little boy are my sweetest heart and I love just a bit more each day. Every day of your two years you’ve made me smile and laugh and thank God for you. Yes, even on the toughest of days there is smiles and laughter.
So Happy Birthday Jackson, Mama and Daddy love you and our life is better because of you.
awww what a cutie!!! Happy birthday to your little guy!
Thank you!
Happy 2nd birthday to Jack! You got me all sorts of weepy with this one! I love the 2s with each of my girls. You have so much fun in front of you!!
I cried when I was writing it. 2 is such a wonderful age I am really enjoying it.
Happy birthday to your cutie!
Thanks you!
Happy Birthday to your little man! Two is SO MUCH fun!
I'm looking forward to enjoying it.
Awww! Happy birthday to him! Stopped by from Shell's PYHO link! 🙂
Thank you for stopping by!