This story has left my heart unsettled.
It’s about workers who were killed in a Bangladesh factory making clothes for American companies for the holiday season. They were told to keep working even when the smoke alarms were going off because management thought it was a false alarm. Employees were locked in as the factory filled with smoke and burned.
Locked in. My god.
Just the thought of it brings tears to my eyes. Over 100 people killed. Working for pennies, making clothes for Americans.
And I feel sick when I put on my new Gap t-shirt that says Made in Taiwan.
Because I’m sure it’s not just one factory where people are treated so horribly.
Cheep labor, cheep products.
Remember back in 2007, the toys that were made in China that were found to have lead in them?
Remember the contaminated dog food that killed dogs?
Have we forgotten our outrage?
Is our attention span so short sited that we are quick to forget and move on.
I know I spend a lot of time looking to see what is in my food but I never think about where Jack’s toys or our clothes come from.
But I’m starting to think it’s time I started to.
Generations before ours were big on Made in America. Why can’t ours be?
Maybe it’s time we took a step back and paid attention.
I know I’m going to try to.
ABC news has been running a Made in America series that for over a year now has highlighted companies that make products in America. They say that if every American spends $64 on American made products that it will create 200,000 American jobs.
It really is something to think about.
Do you pay attention to where the clothes and toys you buy are made? Do you try to buy Made in America?
that is so very sad. I try to stick to American made products but its hard to find electronics and stuff ya know
It is so hard to find electronics and clothes that are made in America.
I have in the past but like you said, I've kind of forgotten about it. I will make it a priority again because it is important, plus I care about the security of industry HERE!
Yes Marie! And security of the industries that are here is so important, if more people buy american hopefully more industry and jobs will come here.
I do try to stick to things made in America. Having a child who dealt with lead poisoning makes me super sensitive to this- even though he didn't get it from toys made in China, I don't want to risk any of my boys being exposed to any more lead.
It really is something to think about when you have kids, you just want there toys to be safe for them.
I try to buy locally as much as possible, and some times those things are made in the US. But not always, of course. I'm done buying cheap junk toys from China, though, that's for sure.
I'm so sorry to hear that story and I know you are right, that there are many more like that. I hope we can bring more industry back to our country. For many reasons. I don't mind paying more, but I know people who do or can't. Therein lies the rub…
I too try to buy locally and I don't mind paying a little more but I totally understand that some people can't. And I imagine it's hard when your child wants something that is made in China… what do you do then? There is no easy or quick fix but i think that just making an effort to buy made in america when you can is a start.
In our country especially we forget how priveleged and sheltered, well taken care of we normally are. It's horrifying to hear how that is absolutely not the case in other places.