For days I’ve had no words. Because when something like what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary school happens you can only cry.
I sat at my kitchen table on Friday and cried.
I wanted to grab my napping boy from his crib and hold him tight.
And the urge to write, to spout off, to shout came and went with each round of tears.
And yet I had no words.
I thought of myself at 17 sitting in my high school library the day after the Columbine shooting and how scared and vulnerable my friends and I felt.
I thought of myself as a new mom holding a barely 2 month old baby in my arms and watching the coverage of Senator Gabriel Gifford’s and the shooting in Tucson Arizona. And I cried as I rocked my baby to sleep.
I thought of my husband and I on our date to see The Dark Knight Rises and how hard it was to get past the violence that had occurred while innocent people were just trying to enjoy a movie.
And I think it is all too much, too often and too horrifying to bear.
I do not understand guns.
My family never owned one. We did not play with guns, we did not watch overly violent movies, we did not play violent video games.
As an adult I have friends who have guns. They hunt or work in law enforcement. They are responsible, reasonable adults.
I have no problem with them or other reasonable people owning guns.
I do not understand assault weapons. Weapons of mass destruction in my opinion. Because what happened at Sandy Hook was mass destruction of life, of families, of a community and of this country.
I can’t wrap my head around the need for them.
I do not understand mental health disorders.
I don’t know what makes people tick or what effective treatment is or what should be done with the mentally insane.
I don’t know what it’s like to live with someone unpredictable.
I don’t know what sends a person off the edge causing them to do the unthinkable. I don’t know if this type of thing is something you see coming or something that just happens.
I don’t know a lot of things but I do know that the time for silence has passed.
I think as a nation we can no longer hold our collective breath until it happens again.
I think we must hug our children close not just this past weekend, but everyday and that we must not hope for better, but do better for them.
I do not want these children’s deaths to be forgotten. I do not want to watch another tragedy unfold.
I refuse to live in fear. I refuse to raise my son in a country that does nothing in the face of danger and evil. I refuse to accept this terrorism in our lives.
I have no answers. I have no solutions. But I demand that something change.
Wherever you stand on guns, mental health, school security or any issue relating to this I suggest you write your elected officials and demand better. I think we need to have this conversation.
Because if we remain silent, if we throw our hands up in grief, if we hug our children and wait in fear for what is next, then these 20 innocent souls and 6 heros will become another statistic.
We owe it to them to demand that something is done so that no more families suffer. So that other children can go to school with a little less fear.
I agree with all of this.
I was thinking this weekend that I don't think I have ever touched a gun. Ever. I've never touched one, but a 20 year old mentally unstable man has an aresenal at his disposable. It's just mind boggling.
My children went to school with police officers at their school for the first time ever. My oldest, who I have had conversations with about this, (she is almost 13) said she felt so much safer knowing the police officers were in her building. Such a scary thought that she needs a police officer in her school to feel safe.
I have never touched a gun either and I hope I never will. It makes me sad that your oldest needs a cop at school to feel safe. These are scary times for kids and my heart goes out to her.
I agree with you 100% Im also bawling my eyes out your post really moved me!
I'm glad that this moved you and I hope that this tragedy moves a lot of people to speak up and demand better for our kids and for those children that were lost.
i love your sentient however you feel write your elected officials. EXCELLENT point.
Thank you! I did write my elected official and I hope others do too.
I don't know if I'll ever be able to wrap my head around what happened. It's just so tragic.
I agree, I still think about it daily it's just too much.
Very very wonderfully said. And yes, I do not know what the immediate solution is either but something does need to happen and things need to change.
Thank you and I agree things need to change.