10 Reasons You Should be Glad I didn’t Blog in my Early 20’s
1). Drunk Blogging. The chances that I would have popped on the computer at 3 am and confessed me love for late nights, partying and the latest R. Kelly song were pretty high.
2). Speaking of R. Kelly, there’s a pretty good chance I would have blogged about how the lyrics to Ignition applied to my life. “Sipping on coke and rum, I’m like so what I’m drunk”.
3). And speaking of song lyrics. I probably would have written a blog in song lyrics. Cause I had (have) a bit of a thing for them.
4). Inside jokes, the blog would have been full of them. Because what’s more fun that reading someone elses inside jokes, right.
5). Pictures galore. If anyone thinks I’m bad now you apparently didn’t know me in my early 20’s. I was notorious for taking 100’s of pictures a night and immediately posting them to Myspace the next morning. Now I’ve got a slightly better sensor when it comes to putting photos on the Internet.
6) There definitely would have been a post about how i never wanted to get married.
7). Followed by a post about how I wasn’t going to have kids.
8). I would have blogged about politics because it took me a bit to realize that not everyone shared my 20 something opinions… who knew.
9). My dislike for my lovely home state. In my 20’s I was constantly on a mission to quit my job and move to Florida. Probably had something to do with several spring breaks in Key West and this book.
10). For a brief (several years) period in my 20’s I hated my job(s). I’m sure I would have blogged about the cook who threw a plate at me, the boss who told me to wear short skirts, and the boring city council meetings I had to sit through. Though I usually skipped out on the council meetings to get cocktails with friends. I mean really who has a city council meeting on martini and snow board night?!
So I was a bit irresponsible and intoxicated for most of my 20’s and I have the photographic evidence in my basement. What did you do in your 20’s that you are glad you didn’t share on the Internet?
Aren't your 20's supposed to be full of irresponsibleness?!
Ha. 🙂
This made me laugh, In my 20's I would have blogged about my life at the restaurant where I worked, and of course that's always crazy. Then at 27 I became a mother. I am sure I would have waxed poetic about how gorgeous my baby was everyday. It would have been completely boring.
It is so easy to wax poetic about babies. I've always thought working in a restaurant was a bit like a soap opera.