In Jackson’s music class we sing a song called, “Everybody Love’s Saturday Night”.
And as we are banging our drums and singing along I can’t help but think, who is this “everybody” because clearly this room is full of toddlers and moms and I’m fairly certain none of us love Saturday night.
Lately my weekends haven’t felt much like weekends. They have felt like every other damn day except that we don’t have a fun pre-planned activity. No preschool, no music class, no library story hour.
And it seems that Saturday and Sunday have become the most exhausting days of the week.
Also John has been working weekends. Which means I’m on my own, again.
Weekends used to be something to look forward to. On Friday night John used to ask me what our plans were and I would rattle off a list of options. Saturday night used to warrent a new outfit, make up and cocktails. Sunday mornings were spent leisurely in bed. Weekends were what I lived for.
And while I don’t miss those days, I still want weekends to mean something. I want to fill them with family fun. I don’t want to sit home and play kitchen or watch another episode of Mickey Mouse Club House. I don’t want to be tied to a routine.
So on Friday night I finally said something to John about it. And on Sunday we went to the aquarium and out to lunch. Then in the afternoon he humored me while I shopped for new boots for our upcoming trip to NYC. Side bar, what is it about NYC that makes me feel like I need new black boots?
And it was a good weekend. I didn’t feel like I was running a marathon to bed time. I didn’t feel like rushing Jack up to bed promptly at 7. Because it felt like we had fun as a family. That we enjoyed our time together, rather than just going through the motions. It didn’t feel forced or stressful. It felt like a weekend and it felt good.
John and I are going to work on making our family time together more fun filled.
How do you keep your weekends fun?
They tend to get filled a lot with the girls' social activities at the age they are but we do try to make time to hang out with other families and/or just adults and we do a lot of fun outdoor stuff when the weather allows. Come on, Spring!!
Glad you had a good weekend! Even us mommys need to know the difference between the week days and the weekend! 🙂
Come on Spring is right!!!
We used to do a lot of fun things like that when my children were small. Going out to lunch on the weekends was one of my favorite things to do. Even if it was just a morning trip (before naps) to the farmers market we were out doing something fun as a family.
Now weekends are completely different and I have to admit that even as a working mom there are times where I kind of dread weekends because I know they are going to be so busy. It usually begins on Friday night with soccer and indoor lacrosse games and goes on all through the weekend. The good news is that every once in awhile we get some adult time to hang out with other adults!
Keeping on pushing your hubby to have those fun weekends!
I never really thought about how much of our weekends will be consumed with sports once he is older. I have to make sure i enjoy the free time now. We usually get to hang out with adults at some point in the weekend and that is always good.