Two years ago this month I was a new mom with an infant who refused to nap. I was also suddenly a SAHM, a job I had never really planned on.
Day in day out I was trying to adjust to my new normal. I was trying to keep my head above the water. I was trying to float and my only life raft most days was a 2 hour reprieve in the afternoon when All My Children and One Life to Live where on.
I would sit in the glider in Jacks room soothing and shushing and swaddling in hopes of him taking a nap. I would turn the TV up in the living room and leave the door to Jack’s room open, so that I could watch from there, and I would realize that no matter how crazy my life was, life in Pine Valley always had me beat.
And then they canceled my shows. Two weeks after I had left my job and returned home, they canceled my sanity.
And maybe I’m being dramatic (I’m a soap fan after all I’m allowed a bit of drama) but for nearly 20 years those shows were a constant in my life.
When I was a tween struggling with glasses and braces and fitting in they were there. When I started college on 09/11/01 they were there so that my roommates and I could escape from the constant coverage of tragedy. And when I was a new mom they were there as I struggled to make it through the long days of new motherhood.
These were shows I had watched with my mom, my MIL, my college roommates and my high school BFF. I had interned at Soap Opera Weekly in college. They were truly a part of my life.
So I was beyond thrilled when yesterday All My Children and One Life to Live debuted on Hulu and Itunes. The shows are shorter, edgier and yes, there are some new faces, but they are still the same soapy goodness that I grew up loving.
I’m a big believer that everyone needs an escape, especially moms. Whether it’s exercise, a good book, a glass of wine or a favorite show. We all deserve that time to escape.
What is your favorite escape?
Feeling like some anytime drama? Check out the new OLTL and AMC on Hulu and Itunes.
I quit watching soaps when I went to work full time and never went back. I would catch up from my Mom. She was a die hard CBS show fan!!
But you saw I got to meet some of them at Blissdom, right??? 😉 I know you're jealous. lol.
Blissdom and Soap Stars why don't you just rub it in. ; )
I have never gotten into the daytime soaps, but I have a few shows that I can't live without. I get downright cranky when I miss Grimm and I watched 90210 for the longest time (until I started feeling to old and a little bit ridiculous about it and quit a little while ago).
All moms need a little escape and I'm happy for you that you get to enjoy yours again!
I used to love the original 90210 and I wasn't allowed to watch it when it first came on so I watched it in reruns when I was older.
I was CRUSHED when they finally cancelled Guiding Light. It was such a big part of my life.. as a latch key kid in the late 70's I would come home from school every day and it was the Bauers, Lewis' and the Spauldings who kept me company. Up until my Tivo crashed, I had the final episode saved. I wish that cast would do the same thing because while the younger generation may not be into soaps, the rest of us are still here!
I think younger people are starting to get into them a bit. Not to get your hopes up but I've heard talk that if OLTL and AMC do well online that other soaps may make a come back.
I have been a Days of Our Lives fan since I was a teen and it is still on my DVR right now. I only watch once in a while but it brings back a ton of memories when I do. My favorite escape is going to Barnes and Noble and sitting in a chair and drinking hot chocolate while I either write or read. If I can't get away, it's reality TV. I am so glad you got your soaps back. Everyone, especially those of us that have people depending on us 24/7 needs an escape.
I love going to a bookstore and just wandering around and drinking a cup of coffee. It's a wonderful escape.
Heehee! Love it. I only watched when I was at my grandma's house, because she always had them on in the afternoon. I couldn't believe when they started canceling all of those dearly loved soaps! Do you know @angelayblood? She's a big soap fan, too….there were some cast members at Blissdom to introduce the new versions of the shows.
I don't know her but I will have to track her down. Between you and Elaine you just keep rubbing it in about Blissdom and the soap stars, lol.
I have never really been into soaps, but I do love a good book. I haven't been reading as much as I used to, though. This has made me think that it may be time for me to escape into a book again soon.
I used to watch Days of Our Lives, but lost touch with it after college. But now you've got me thinking about the need for more me time. Hmmm. Now I'm craving some me time 🙂