Five Things I have a passion for
I have loved to write since I was 7 years old. Over the years what I’ve wanted to be has changed but being a writer has always remained the same.
This is fairly new passion. Since becoming a SAHM, I have found that I love to cook and to a lesser extent bake. When I worked I rarely had time to try new recipes or plan meals, so now that I can I love cooking up new dishes.
I love taking pictures, though I’m not necessarily the best at it. I love being the keeper of memories.
In a way it’s my job and some days I love it and some days not so much, but I’m always striving to be my best at it. And I love Jackson so much that he makes it easy.
New Jersey
I may not have been born here but, New Jersey will always be home. I used to hate living here and was desperate to move but the older I get the more I love it here.
Five Things I Would Like to Do Before I Die
I love to travel and I want to do more and more of it. The list of places I want to explore seems endless and I hope to have enough years to see everything.
I have always wanted to write a book.
I want to see Jackson grow up and have a family of his own. I want as many years as possible to enjoy his life.
Road Trip
My family was never big on road trips, in fact vacation for my family growing up always meant Disney. I think it would be fun to take a big family road trip.
Live in Key West
Some day when Jackson is grown I’m going to quit my job (or make John quit his) and move to Key West. I want to live somewhere that I don’t need a car, or fancy clothes. I want to live on island time.
Five Things I Say A Lot
“Bailey get down”
“I’m drinking my coffee”
“Don’t touch Mommy’s computer”
“I’m beat”
Five Books or Magazines I have Read Lately
A Hundred Summers
I’m currently reading this and I’m really enjoying it. I’m a big sucker for a book about summertime, friendship and love.
Rich Food, Poor Food
Organic eating is making a come back in The Hunter household.
Real Simple
I am a magazine junkie.
The Fault in our Stars
This story just sticks with you, loved it.
Bad Habits
I’m not a big Jenny McCarthy fan but as someone who grew up catholic I enjoyed the humor in this book.
Five Favorite Movies
Love Actually
Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, Christmas….sigh I can’t get enough of this one. I think I actually love it more every time I see it.
Gone with the Wind
At over 3 hours I only watch this once a year but it is easily a favorite. I love Scarlett and Rhett.
Beauty and the Beast
This is my favorite Disney movie. Growing up I was always that girl with her nose stuck in a book, dreaming of more.
When Harry Met Sally
I watch this every New Years Eve. “I hate you Harry, I hate you”
Independence Day
It’s silly and scifi and dated but every time Bill Pullman gives that speech about declaring our Independence I get teary eyed and have flash backs of my 13th birthday.
Five Places I would Love to Travel
California Wine Country
So where would you like to travel? What is your favorite movie? What do you want to do before you die?
I love to read and I am getting some ideas for new books to try. I'm adding The Fault In Our Stars.
Barbara @
I like Independence Day! I get all teary at that speech too, ha! And when Will Smith is dragging the dead alien through the desert and screams, "And what's that smell!?!" lol.
And that's so wonderful that you say you love being the "keeper of the memories". Me too. For sure.
The Fault In Our Stars is on my to read list!
A Hundred Summers sounds right up y alley.