The end of the school year was hard on both of us. Last week on the way to school Jack said, “What am I going to do when school is over? Why is school over? Why can’t I go back? I like school”.
And he does, he loves his teacher and his friends. Not to mention that he thrives on routine and structure and does not like it when there is a change in his routine.
He’s grown so much this year. While he’s still a shy kid he’s come a long way from tear filled eyes to walking off to play with his friends who shout, “Jackson come play”. And that makes my heart melt to know that he has friends, that kids want to play with him.
At the beginning of the year he would only give vague details of his day or say, “I’m not ready to talk about it”. Now he tells me who he played with and what he did. He tells me what kids got in trouble and what stories Miss Roe read.
He sings his ABCs with pride. He is smart, insightful and sensitive . His favorite color is blue and his favorite number is 8.
He loves Miss Roe and Miss Gail and is terribly concerned that some day they won’t be his teachers anymore. But we are lucky that he will have them next year. And will have his same friends in his class. Not much will change come the fall yet, so much will be different.
As I look back on his first day of school picture I can’t believe how much he’s grown and I know come September he will again seem so much bigger than he is today . And it’s crazy these next few months will seem long and yet fly by so fast and while he will only be a few months older in September I know he will have changed so much. And I wonder if all of the years will go by so fast, if I will blink and miss it all. I guess that’s why I’m keeping him close this summer and trying to capture all of these moments because I don’t want to blink.
He is so cute! I love when they are in that stage of still loving school and wanting to be there. One of mine is outgrowing that and it's sad.
Aww I hate to think of when he will get to that age. I