Friday was our first morning of summer vacation and as I watched Jackson sitting on the couch with the IPad watching Disney JR I felt like a bit of a failure.
I mean it’s the first day of summer vacation and this is the best I can do and if this is as good as it gets then what will the next 10 (10!) weeks be like.
10 Rules for Summer Vacation
5. No making Facebook comparisons. Let’s face it, sometimes it appears everyone is having more fun than you. Which is something I hate, damn it I want to be the most fun person in the room but alas there will always be someone having more fun than me, somewhere. And that is OK. And sometimes I might be the one having the most fun, no comparing.
What are your rules for summer? How do you keep summer fun and relaxing without going out of your mind or over planning?
Great list! I will be taking advice from you this summer! Thank you!