We have fallen really far from our routines this summer. Let’s just say on Friday night Jack went to bed at 11:00 because we were at a friends house and everyone was having too much fun to call it at night. Which if you know me is totally unheard of. I’ve been trying to let go of the routine but this summer I feel like I’ve really veered off track.
With fall just around the corner I really feel the need to get back to our routine. Back to the things that keep the house going, that keep me sane and keep life running smoothly.
Happiness Project
Back in January I started a happiness project to make little changes to make my life happier. In June I kinda burnt out on it and let it go. I would like to get back to it in some form because it kept me focused. Every month I had little changes I was making and I was keeping up with them, like keeping the kitchen counter free of clutter, getting up earlier and attempting to get caught up on my photo albums.
We are so lacking in a routine right now. The other day we sat in our PJ’s till noon and then I remembered I needed something for a party we were going to that night so I ran to the farm stand and let Jack go in his PJ’s. Which is something I would usually never do. And while it’s nice to just lounge, I need routine or else nothing gets done.
We have been slacking on bedtime, as I said Jack went to bed at 11 the other night and most weekends bedtime has been about 9:00 which means he is really tired come Monday. I need to get back to our regular bedtime before school starts.
Getting Up Early
With the Happiness Project I started getting up earlier and it was great I got my writing done and had some time to myself. It was easily the best change I had made. But l lost my Fitbit back in July and since then have slacked on getting up early. The Fitbits alarm made it easy for me to get up early but without it I just can’t seem to get out of bed at 6. And I’m seriously bummed that I lost my Fitbit.
Meal Planning
I can’t remember the last time I planned meals for the week. Since joining a CSA I’ve just been going with the flow which is great but there have been many nights where John asks what’s for dinner and it’s 5:00 and I don’t have a clue. I don’t like feeling that way and I like knowing what to make. I need to get back to having a better meal plan.
Working Out
Since school let out my workout routine has been on the back burner. There have been some weeks where I’ve gotten 3 workouts in and some where I’ve gotten none in. I don’t like the inconsistency at all.
Me Time
I know as a mom “me time” is a bit of a joke. But this summer I’ve had some but it hasn’t been consistent. When Jack is in school I know that on these days I will have a few hours to myself to get things done like exercise and work and even just food shopping. I’m looking forward to that. I’m already planning time to sit and work at a new coffee shop and walking the bridge on a beautiful fall day.
What routines do you need to get back to?
Ditto the me time and the exercise. I really struggled with that this summer. I think next summer I may hire a college student to keep the kids occupied while I work to make it easier for me to stop work and do stuff with them.
I wanted to hire the teenager across the street to be a mothers helper but our schedules didn't line up, maybe next year.
I agree with everything you said. While I enjoy the time with my boys I am ready for September and falling into some new routines.
Me too! I so need a routine, we are so out of sorts and I feel like I accomplish nothing.
I haven't done a meal plan in ages, but I sat down on Saturday and did one and am PSYCHED about this week's easy meal prep. We made crockpot meals ahead of time and froze them, so I don't even have to prep anything…I just have to stick it in the slow cooker! It's a bit sad that I'm so excited about this…. 😉
I get excited about stuff like that too. I need to use my slow cooker more.
That's why i love September… its the unofficial new year and time and the perfect time for a fresh start!
I feel the same way and I'm way more motivated to make changes in Sept than in January.
I am SO with you on this! Summer was an epic fail in every area except my blog LOL… Kids did no work, I did no exercise, we never managed to get together with friends. Augh! Homework, routines, exercise, all welcome starting next week!
Good luck in getting back to routines and getting things done.
I need some me time so badly. Just like an hour would be great at this point!
I know exactly what you mean I can not wait for school to start.
YES to all of that!! I really cannot wait to get back on a schedule.
I never realize how much I need a schedule until I don't have one.
I am so there with you. I had said this summer was going to be a fly by your seat of your pants kind of time. I HATED it lmao. I need a routine! I cannot wait until next week.
I said the same thing Reesa, I think I even blogged about it but it doesn't work for me. I need routine and structure .