Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about friendship. How it evolves over time and like a good wine it tends to get better with age. The longer I’ve known my friends the more I love, respect, and understand them. But more so the older I get the more I realize how much I need my friends and how I need each of them for different reasons. I grew up being told that “you can never have too many friends” and the older I get the more I realize how true that is. In this life we need our friends.
The 7 Friends Every Mom Needs:
The old friend
The one who knows you inside out and backwards and still loves you, mistakes and all . The person that you can go to with your ugly-ugly and who will figure it out, make it pretty and offer you a drink. This is the person who you can tell your same old stories to and they never get bored because they lived them with you.
As I get older (now in my early 40's) I tend to have less friends. I have many acquaintances but not many REAL friends and I kind of like it that way. I have kids with busy schedules and my schedule is crazy on a day to day basis. When I do have a chance to see friends I want it to be meaningful because it doesn't happen as often as I would like. I've moved many different times throughout my life but one is that is a constant in my life is my school friends that I've known for over 30 years. We may not talk on a regular basis or see one another often but when we do it's seamless and that to me is a perfect friendship.
That is the perfect kind of friendship I have 2 friends from high school who I meet up with every so often and it's like nothing has changed, it's a wonderful feeling.
I'm similar to Trina. I love having a variety of friendships in my life with women of so many different interests.
I love having a variety of friends too.
I'd help you move a body if you needed it. 😉
Hopefully I don't need to but now I know who to call 🙂
Oh yes, spot on! And even better are those friends who are all those types rolled into one. 🙂
I feel like a lot of my friends are framily. We don't open ourselves to everyone, but if you are a friend, it is a close one.