I was provided with a copy of Lose the Cape, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
When Jack was an infant I wanted to read every parenting book out there. I started reading parenting books well before he was born and after I had him my desire to know everything there was to know about having an infant increased. My husband used to roll his eyes whenever an Amazon box would appear on our door step.
As time went by and I got more comfortable with this parenting gig, the books faded away. For the most part the parenting books that I read were helpful but there were a handful that were long, rambling and hinting of judginess. Some insisting that you must do things this way or of course you wouldn’t want to do things that way. It was a lot to take in and sometimes a book would just leave me feel like I was failing.
This is not the case at all with Lose The Cape: Realities From Busy Modern Moms and Strategies to Survive. Lose The Cape is about letting go of the idea that you need to be “supermom” but still provides moms with real life advice they can use. Reading this book felt very much like chatting with a friend, the kind that isn’t going to sugar coat things or steer you wrong.
The answers and suggestions provided in Lose The Cape are short and concise, making this book perfect for new Moms, cause who really has time to read 500 pages on infant sleep habits.
As I read the book I kept nodding my head and wishing that this type of book had been around when I had an infant. The tips provided are useful and not at all judgemental. Tip # 6 about kids sleep, says to “educate yourself on the different sleep options and consider what works best for you and your child”. I love this because it leaves the decision in the new moms hands and reminds them that they are the ones who need to determine what works best for their family.
Lose the Cape offers moms the kind of advice they need, suggestions that are useful and advice that is delivered in a friendly, honest but not judging way.
Sounds like a really great book with useful advice! Something I should check out for sure!
Sounds like a great read, and a good book to give new moms.
Very timely! As moms we do try to do it all, which leads to exhaustion, and THAT'S not a productive way to live. 🙂 Thanks for the recommendation.
I love the title, and I wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment. 🙂 Sounds like a good read.
Oh I can relate! I read every EVERY thing and then Amelia was born with a disability so I tossed my pregnancy books out the window too. 🙂 And there are as many outlooks and philosophies on child rearing as books. Do what works for your family and as much as you can but as little as you need too, lol.
It starts to get frustrating when people call me a Super Mom (Mom of 5, I guess this makes me a perfect mother? No. No, not at all). I feel so less than a Super Mom, so sounds like a book I could relate to.
Thanks so much for sharing about our book! Glad you liked it! xo Alexa