It’s been a busy week and I’m still getting the hang of the new site, so I thought some Old School Blogging would be a fun way to ease myself back into the swing of things.

B-Biggest Fear: Change. I’m not a big fan of change.
C-Current Time: 9:58 pm eastern time, almost past my bedtime.
D-Drink You Last Had: Other than water, a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte, yup I’m basic.
E-Easiest Person to Talk to: Monica or Meg who I see regularly. And Shell who I don’t see enough. These girls can handle my snark, my sarcasm and my need to vent.
F-Favorite song: I can never pick just one, there is always a song for a season and a reason. Right now it’s Springsteen by Eric Church.
G-Grossest memory: When Jack was 9 months old and while he was napping his diaper came undone and he was covered in poop.
H-Hometown: I was born in Philly but Sea Isle City, NJ is home always.
I-In love with: Life
J-Jealous of: People who have a cleaning person. Between a 4-year-old and working from home my house is never as clean as I wish it was.
K-Killed someone: Well there was that first husband that I don’t speak of… just kidding!
L-Longest relationship: John, and as he pointed out in a few years we will have been together more than half our lives.
M-Middle Name: I don’t have one, seriously.
N-Number of siblings: 1
O-One wish: For Jack to have a happy life and to win the lottery.
P-Person who you last called: John, it’s almost always John, my Mom or my MIL.
Q-Question you’re always asked: “Are you having anymore kids?”
R-Reason to smile: Life is good and there is so much to look forward to this season.
S-Song you last sang: Probably something from Taylor Swift.
T-Time you woke up: 6 am. Having to be in an office sucks.
U-Underwear color: I think pink…isn’t is sad I can’t remember what I put on this morning.
V-Vacation destination: We are going to Disney in December, but I’m thinking ahead and want to go somewhere tropical next year.
W-Worst habit: I’m always late
X-X-rays you’ve had: Dental ones and I think my leg.
Y-Your favorite food: Fried chicken.
Z-Zodiac sign: Cancer the crab
I don’t really like change either. And that’s kinda crazy that you have no middle name. That chicken and waffles meal looks SO good!