As someone who loves wine, I often have people ask me for recommendations for what to buy or what to pair with a meal. These questions almost always come with a disclaimer like: “well i only drink reds” or “I only drink moscato” and I think that’s such a shame that people are missing out on so many great wines simply because they don’t know what to try or are afraid to spend money on a bottle of wine that they aren’t familiar with. But why limit yourself to your traditional wine picks when there is a world of wine that you might be missing out on. And as a wine lover, part of the fun is in discovering a great new wine and sharing it with friends. I’m partnering with Name.Kitchen to bring you some unique wine varietals to help you get out of a wine slump on National Drink Wine Day. Name.Kitchen is offering websites creative ways to make their websites stand out with new not-com domains.
5 Wine Swaps to Make on National Drink Wine Day
If you love Chardonnay… try a Viognier.
This hard to pronounce white wine varietal was featured at a tasting I attended a few years ago. It has immediately become a favorite of mine and one that I often serve in place of Chardonnay. With floral notes and light hints of fruit vigonier’s are easy to enjoy and pair well with seafood.
If you love Moscato…try a Riesling.
Of all the wines out there, I’m not a moscato fan and as some of my friends know I’m on a mission to turn moscato lovers onto other wines. If you love moscato for its sweetness, then a riesling should definitely hit the spot. When picking a riesling steer clear of the dry ones and opt for something sweet. A sweet riesling is subtle and delicious and not at all the sugar bomb that a moscato can be.
If you love Champagne…try Prosecco.
I love a good glass of champagne, nothing is more festive or fun than celebrating with champagne. A few years ago my Mom started drinking prosecco and I was immediately hooked. Prosecco is an italian sparkling wine and I love that it is often sold by the glass at restaurants, so there is no need to buy a whole bottle.
If you love Cabernet Sauvignon… try a Malbec.
I love a good red wine and cabernet sauvignon is always a great go-to when you aren’t sure what to order. Recently I have started ordering a malbec instead of my standard cabernet anytime I see them on a menu. Malbecs are usually very smooth and great for those who love red wine but not the heartburn. After I had my son these were my go-to red wine.
If you love any wine… try a Port. Port wine is a dessert wine and a great way to cap of the evening. It’s sweet, bold and has a higher alcohol content than your average wine. Dessert wines are underrated in my opinion and don’t get ordered nearly enough. I think they are a fun way to cap off a night and pair well with any dessert.

It is now becoming even easier to find your favorite wine on the internet with Name.Kitchen. New domains ending in dot-wine have recently been unveiled. These domain names make it easier for brands to personalize their domain in a creative and fun way. It also allows those searching for wine to know that they have come to the right place. Now wineries and wine lovers have two new domains, dot-wine and dot-vin to make their sites more meaningful and memorable. By switching to a not-com domain wine brands will be in the ranks of influencers like Apple, Google and Amazon (always great company to be in).
These not-com domains are a great way for brands to stand out and be memorable with their audience. A not-com domain instantly tells your audience what your product is about and avoids the risk of you getting lost in a sea of websites. The option of a not-com domain has expanded the internet domain options. Like stepping outside the bottle to try a new wine, you can now step out side the dot-com and try a new not-com domain with Name.Kitchen.
Happy National Drink Wine Day! What wine will you be drinking today?
This post was sponsored by Name.Kitchen all thoughts and opinions are my own.
This was torture to read while pregnant! I agree – try them all!
Tell me about it, lol.
I’m up for trying some Riesling. Can you recommend any reasonably priced sweet tasting brands?
14 Hands Riesling is under $15 and is excellent.
Love Proseco and remember drinking lots of it with you on my 40th birthday!
That’s what I think of when I think of presecco.
I love a good dry red and crisp white.
Two of my favorite types of wine!