Today marks 2 weeks since we adopted Elvis. I find myself in a weird place where it is still hard to believe that Bailey is gone and it’s hard to imagine live without Elvis. If you follow me on Instagram you may know I’m totally smitten with this little dog. And if you follow me on Facebook you know on Wednesday he gave me a run for my money and had me chasing him 3 blocks in my slippers and work clothes.
On Saturday I hit the 2 month mark till my due date and I’m definitely feeling it. I forgot how rough the third trimester is. Two of my friends came over this week and helped me sort through baby toys and clean the spare room that had become a dumping ground for Jackson’s art supplies and old clothes. Now when I walk past that room I no longer feel a looming sense of anxiety and I actually feel at peace.
Before Jackson was born I used to sit in the glider in his nursery and just take it all in. I look forward to doing that this time around now that the room is on its way to being ready. I’ve been pinning girls nursery ideas and have a bit of a mish-mash of Small World / Disney Princess / Disney Baby going on. I’m hoping it all comes together the way I see it in my mind. If you’ve done something similar I would love to hear about it.
I love this post from Play, Party, Plan about Why My Family is Breaking Up with You Tube . I’ve never really let Jack watch You Tube but my in-laws have and I hate those toy reveal videos and the videos of kids playing with toys and especially the surprise eggs. In my opinion all they do is promote a bad case of the “gimme’s”.
My cravings have been all over the place this week and breakfast food remains my go-to, that and fruit so I’m planning on trying out this overnight oatmeal recipe from Girl Gone Mom.
If your local, Atlantic City Restaurant Week (no affiliation) is coming up and it’s one of my favorite weeks of the year. It’s a great time to try a new restaurant and I’ve spent part of the day oohing and aahing over the menus. Reading restaurant menus has become one of my pregnancy guilty pleasures.
How has your week been?
I hope you like the overnight oats. It’s one of my favorite. I love restaurant weeks and perusing menus and I’m not even pregnant 🙂
I love Restaurant Week, just haven’t decided which one to try yet!