It is what it is. These are the words that have been getting me through my third trimester . Because when you’re pregnant most of the side effects that you want to whine and complain about…well there is really nothing that can be done about them .
And by the third trimester even the things you had some control over, well that all goes out the window and it is what it is.
Like the heartburn that for most of your pregnancy was a nuisance is now a constant and all the Tums, small meals and elevating your head just don’t seem to help tame the fire-breathing dragon that lives in your esophagus .
There are the clothes that fit you 3 weeks ago and now suddenly even your comfortable leggings are tough to fit into. And you are torn between just wearing PJ pants and your husbands old tees or buying more maternity clothes.
It is the feeling that you would give anything to sleep on your stomach again. Or to just sleep without waking every hour to pee. And you are up and down so much that even the dog rolls his eyes at you. And speaking of rolling wouldn’t it be nice if rolling over wasn’t a work out?
I find myself avoiding steps, too exhausting. And walks around the neighborhood where I struggle to keep up with my family . I feel like I spend more time on the couch than is healthy and when I see people posting about work outs I feel lazy.
I catch myself fantasizing about big meals and overindulging in food and drinks because right now the smallest meal makes me sick. But it is what it is for 8 more weeks, then it ain’t anymore.
And in case you were wondering this is my last pregnancy no ifs, ands or buts.
It is what it is. That sums it up, right? I never “enjoyed” pregnancy, just plodded through. A means to an end. Hang in there. Wine will be waiting for you on the other side!