We’ve spent the last few days in one of my favorite places, Sea Isle City. It’s where I grew up and where I got married and luckily where my parents still live. We’ve been visiting lots of our favorite places and stuffing our faces with some of our favorite foods. Sometimes I think half the reason we come to Sea Isle is to eat and drink.
School finished for the year on Thursday and this week we will be getting into summer vacation mode. I love this idea for setting screen time limits and I’m going to try it out soon.
The internet was pretty ugly this week and this post about being every mom in times of tragedy hit home with me. While I haven’t talked to Jack about all the awful things that have been in the news, I am working on a post about preparing for an emergency and it gave me a chance to talk to Jack about what to do in the event we had to evacuate. This conversation some how made its way to talking about strangers and I think that before summer starts and kids are outside more it’s a good time to refresh their memories about watching out for strangers.
On a lighter note, I’m still struggling through Fates and Furies, I really am in need of an easy reading summer book if anyone has any suggestions.
We are heading to Diggerland this week, we love how unique this park is and it’s a fun change from the traditional amusement park rides.
I hope your summer is getting off to a good start. Summer always seems to go too fast and I always feel like I’m trying to squeeze all the fun in. We don’t have any big plans yet this summer but I’m hoping to make it a good one. What do you have planned this summer? How was your week?
I enjoyed Fates and Furies. The second half was better than the first.
A few people have said that once it gets to the Furies it gets better, I’m having such a hard time liking the characters.