We’ve all been there. You are getting out of the car and your little one is already scrambling out of their car seat and ready to go barreling out the car door and onto their next adventure, before you can say, “wait a minute”, “stay here”, or “don’t get out of the car”.
Or you are trying to get the groceries in the car and you simply weren’t born with enough eyes and hands to put the groceries in the car and hold your little ones hand and keep an eye on them.
At times like these you simply need your kids to stay put, to stay in a place where you can clearly see them and keep them away from the dangers that parking lots can create. And while parents always need to be vigilant in these situations, Stay Here Sammy offers parents another tool in keeping kids safe.
10 Times When You Need Stay Here Sammy in Your Life
- When you are trying to get one kid in the car but need to keep an eye on the other.
- When you are heading into school and your kid see’s his best friends car pulling in.
- When you are at Target trying to put all of the things you didn’t mean to buy in your car.
- When it’s really cold and your kid forgot his coat and he wants to get in the house.
- When it’s raining and he wants to make a mad dash into school.
- When you are parked on a busy street.
- When you are putting money in the parking meter and he wants to do it.
- Anywhere there is a crowd that your child could run off into.
- When you need an incentive for your kid to leave the park.
- When you are running late for school and having trouble getting out the door.
The reality is there are numerous times every day when you are getting in and out of a car and could possibly take your eyes off your child. And it’s not always possible to have your eyes on your kids at every moment. Sometimes you need your hands for attending to another child. And as kids get older and more confident, they are prone to taking off their seat belts and getting out on their own, no matter how many times mom asks them not too. If you have more than one kid, this only doubles and keeping both in your sites and safe can be challenging.
Which is why a Mom created Stay Here Sammy. Stay Here Sammy is an 8″ x 4″ magnet featuring Sammy a cute grinning green character waiting for kids to give him a “high 4”. Parents simply stick Sammy to a place on the car where you want kids to wait (a front door works well), when kids get out of the car parents can encourage them to stay put by giving Sammy a “high 4”.
Sammy also works as an incentive to get kids to transition from one activity to another. So when it’s time to go to school, you can tell your little ones that it’s time to find where Sammy is on the car today. Kids love to see where Sammy is and are more willing to leave the house or the park faster to give their friend Sammy a high-four.
Parents always need to keep an eye on kids in high-traffic or crowded areas but, Stay Here Sammy is a tool that parents can use to help kids cooperate when getting in and out of the car. Stay Here Sammy is best for kids ages 18 months to 4-5 years old. It has a companion e-book that helps kids understand the concept and get them excited about Stay Here Sammy.
Now that I have two kids I can see how Stay Here Sammy is a great incentive for helping kids stay where you need them. It’s a simple solution to a daily problem that all moms face. Stay Here Sammy can be purchased for 11.95 and includes one magnet, e-book and free shipping.
In full disclosure my cousin created Stay Here Sammy, I’m excited to support her in her new business. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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