This review was made possible by iConnect and Luvs. I was provided compensation to facilitate this post, but all opinions stated are 100% mine.
I’ve been fighting a cold for the past week and yesterday after feeling especially lousy I told my husband I felt like I just needed a sick day. I needed one day of lying on the couch, drinking tea and binge watching Netflix to fight off this bug. I would love to say that my husband took the kids and I lied on the couch and all was right in the world. But this is the real world and even if my husband had offered there is no time for down time right now. There are no sick days when you are a mom,especially not during the week of your son’s birthday and a major holiday.
You can never pick what time you get sick. Or how many hours the baby will nap so that you can get all the things done. Or how much time it will take to accomplish everything on your to-do list. Or how many hours of sleep you get at night. Every day time is the one thing I can’t get more of and I need to make the most of the hours in each day. I can’t be bothered wasting time on things like cleaning baseboards or being woken up in the middle of the night because of a leaky diaper.
When Jack was a baby I used premium brand diapers until I got tired of the price tag and switched to Luvs. Now with Grace I use Luvs not just for during the day but also for overnight since Luvs recently introduced the new and improved Ultra Leakguard Diapers with Nightlock Plus, making Luvs softer and more absorbent. Learn more about Luvs Ultra with Nightlock Plus.
Grace sleeps approximately 12 hours through the night, so having diapers that keep her dry is important to me. I don’t want either of us to be woken up due to a leaky diaper. I can feel confident that she will sleep well in Luvs and I can be happy about the price of Luvs compared to premium diapers.
My time and my sleep is valuable, even more so now that I have two kids. I can relate to the 87% of moms surveyed by Luvs who said that the first time their child slept through the night was one of their best parenting times.
What would you do with extra time to yourself? Luvs is on a mission to celebrate and embrace what experienced parents value and “Luv” every single day. Be sure to join the #WhatULuv Twitter party hosted by @iConnect and @Luvs, on November 29 th , 9-10pm EST to share what you value as a parent.
Use this print-at-home coupon to save $1 off any Luvs purchase at any mass, discount or grocery store.
Enter to win a $25 AMEX gift card and a package of Luvs Ultra Leakguard Diapers with Nightlock Plus.
I would read, love to read a good book, or take a brief walk.
I would read read read! Thanks 🙂
I would watch some sport on tv
I would like to read a book if I had time to myself.
I would read a book
My fave free time fun is to read, meditate, or binge watch a good show.
I would use the extra time to work on my stack of to-be-read books!
I would take a nap or watch a movie on the TV.
I would rea a book.
Watch Gilmore girls and take a map.
I would sleep more or indulge in chocolate and binge watch my shows.
I would take a long bath.
Oh I would love to curl up and read a romance book or go for a long walk!
I would relax and watch a movie.
I read blogs and watch Netflix with extra time. Like right now!
I would get my hair done.
If I had some extra time, I would love to relax and read a good book!
Take the dogs for long walks like I used to 🙂
I would go swimming at the ladies club.
Take a nap!