You are six years old. It seems like just yesterday you were 5 and excited to become a big brother. That just last week you were 4 and nervous at school drop off. That last month you were 3 and so eager to do everything by yourself. That 6 months ago you were 2 and you called me, “mama”. That a year ago you were just one and having birthday cake for the first time. That just a short time ago I brought you home from the hospital. But no, here you are, six years old.
You start your day at 6 am, most days, and if you sleep till 7 you tell me you, “slept in”. On the few occasions that I’m sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee before you wake up, I hear your feet hit the floor and they don’t stop moving until you go to bed at night, but neither does your mouth. Sometimes I think you start talking before you wake up. You are full of questions and insights and you would narrate your entire day if we let you.
You like waffles and pancakes and french toast sticks and would probably eat breakfast 3 meals a day if I let you. You still love to watch Disney Jr in the morning before school and manage to always find time to play before you go to school. You pick out your own clothes every day and ask, ” do I look good”, “do I look stylish” or “does this match” the answer to that last one is often no but unless it’s awful I let it slide.
On school days you grab your back pack and are eager to head out the door. You love school and you don’t understand why school closes for holidays or vacations. I had your parent-teacher conference this week and you proudly showed me around your classroom. You are learning so much and working so hard and you don’t even know it. When your Dad drops you off in the morning you barely say “bye” but when I pick you up in the afternoon you are still excited to see me.
You are a rule follower and hate to disappoint people. Your teacher said that you are nice to a flaw and if someone knocks down your blocks you are quick to say, “it’s okay” rather than get angry. I know where you get that from and I hope you learn to stand up for yourself when things really aren’t “okay”. You are harder on yourself than you are other people. You hold yourself to high standards and there is nothing wrong with that.
You are silly and sweet and full of love for everyone. You are an excellent big brother and you never miss a chance to hug your little sister. She loves you more than you know and she lights up anytime you are near. She hears your voice and instantly smiles. You’ve grown up so much since she was born and I’m proud of how you’ve handled being a big brother.
You love to cuddle with me on the couch or with your Mickey Mouse stuffed animal. You love art and want to be an artist when you grow up. You love LEGOs and science and fart jokes. You dance and shake your butt and you love when you can make people laugh. You are smart and inquisitive and insightful. No one can hide a bad mood from you.
You are so very loved my little boy and I hope you know it not just on your birthday but every day. You will always be my sweet, little, snuggle puppy.
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