It started well before the “holiday” season, maybe even before, dare I say Halloween. I’m not sure how we decided it but I remember John looking up from his coffee and saying “I think I would like to get a real tree this year, I feel like getting into the holiday this year” or something like that.
I always feel like getting into the holidays. I like to lose myself in them, and honestly 2016 has been quite the mixed bag and if I’m going to get lost in anything, why not the holidays.
So I responded ” I want to have the best Christmas ever”.
And so it was.
Or at least we are trying to make it so.
So how does one have the Best Christmas Ever?
Set expectations high, then readjust, then readjust some more.
Get family photos taken. Never mind that the baby didn’t nap and you spend half the day in the car and Dad got stuck at work and while said pictures were being taken the dog ate a trash bag full of garbage basically spending your entire Christmas budget.
Shop early, hit those Thanksgiving sales via your lap top while in your pajamas. Feel immensely happy that you were done shopping before your turkey was done.
Realize while your kids may be done, that you have forgotten godparents, nieces, nephews and the teacher. Back to Amazon you go.
Make plans, lots of them. Christmas light walks, visits to the amusement park, trips to cute little crafty villages and town Christmas displays.
RSVP to all parties.
Decorate. Scrap the real tree over concerns that the dog might pee on it. Let the kids hang the ornaments where ever they want. Resist all urges to move them.
Let your son have his own little tree in his room. Carefully decorate it because small artificial trees are prone to falling.
Take every opportunity to wear a Santa hat.
Put together Christmas kick-off boxes and sneak them into the kids room on Thanksgiving night.
Bring back the Elf, even though last year you swore he wasn’t coming back, and be really thankful that he came back when your son flies up the stairs to look for him.
Buy wine, lots of it. Not for gifts but because holidays and shopping and family.
Say yes to your kids often.
Visit Santa and take it all in even though the baby is screaming and somehow the 6 year-old no longer fits on Santa’s lap.
Laugh when your son asks Santa for a rubber chicken, immediately order a rubber chicken.
Watch Rudolph and Frosty and The Grinch.
Watch Elf and Christmas Vacation.
Watch Love Actually multiple times.
Watch A Charlie Brown Christmas with the baby because no one else will watch it with you.
Put the fireplace on every chance you get.
Buy new matching stockings and hang with care.
Stock up on egg nog and peppermint Hershey kisses.
Set a reminder on your phone to “move that Elf” every night.
Make you Christmas card list and check it twice. Over order on cards.
Donate, every chance you get. Toy drive, food drive, whatever, if you’ve got it give it.
See Santa come on the fire truck.
Drive around and look at Christmas lights.
Keep your traditions and make new ones.
Take it all in. It’s the only Christmas they will be this old.
Buy the gifts, make the memories, snuggle with mugs of hot chocolate, bake an extra dozen cookies, wear the ugly sweaters and holiday leggings and Christmas jammies as often as possible.
Take too many pictures and capture all the moments.
Embrace the things that don’t go as planned, it doesn’t have to be perfect to be the best Christmas ever. Because what makes it the best Christmas ever is who you spend it with.
This is going to be our best Christmas yet, I feel so very blessed to be celebrating as a family of four. Because my favorite part of the holiday season is giving gifts. I put together a few of my favorite things to gift one lucky winner. And while I like some of the gift to be a surprise I will mention that this gift includes LulaRoe Holiday Leggings size OS, Hills Bros coffee, a “because kids” wine glass, and “if you can read this bring me a glass of wine socks”.
Hills Bros provided me with coffee to review and since I basically run on my morning cup of coffee, it is one of my favorite things. All other prizes are provided by Wine In Mom. Giveaway is open to continental USA residents only.
“Buy wine, lots of it. Not for gifts but because holidays and shopping and family.”
Best line. So true! I have a bottle when I head to the fiancés family get togethers. Pahaha.
Loved this! <3
LOL thank you!