Baby Girl, I can’t believe you are 1. I know I say this all the time but it really feels like I just brought you home from the hospital. It really feels like just yesterday it was March 24th 2016 and I was eating lunch at one of my favorite restaurants not knowing that in less than 24 hours you would be here. And now here we are a year later.
This first year has gone so fast and feels like a bit of a wonderful blur, kinda like a montage in your favorite movie that is trying to squeeze in all of the best moments.
You love to be free to crawl and play. You love bath time and all of your bath toys, which you really don’t feel should be limited to bath time. If I try to take them out of your hands when bath is over you scream until I give in and let you take it with. You love blocks and Little People and anything that you can carry around in your hands.
You have the best laugh and your brother and Dad know how to make you laugh all the time. You don’t care much for TV but when I put Frozen on you immediately stop what you were doing. You love toys that make noise much to my dismay.
There is very little that scares you or phases you, you are already one tough little girl. You are stubborn and determined and you don’t let anything or anyone stop you from getting to the toy you want or exploring your brother’s playroom.
You are sweet and love to rest your head against me when you are feeling shy. Your smile is often a smirk with a bit of side-eye thrown in. You love being with your family and hate being left to sit in your pack n play or your crib.
You are still a peanut at 18lbs, and 28 inches. You can say, “Dad” and you wave hi and bye. You like to offer your toys and snacks to people. You are pulling up and starting to think about cruising.
You are one by sweet baby girl and you have brought us so much joy this past year, and I can’t wait to see what this next year brings.
Hurray for Grace!!!
She sure is a little cutie. I have 4 girls myself, sometimes I wish they would have stayed as young as she is. They grow up so quickly.