There is a to-do list that sits next to my lap top that gets a little longer every day, no matter how much I do.
Most nights I lie awake thinking about the things I didn’t do, the things I should have done. The list runs through my head: I should have made that appointment, it’s been too long since I went to the dentist. I forgot to order eggs from the grocery store, I should write that down. The kids need snow boots and new shoes and I forgot to write a check for the school fundraiser.
In the morning there are lunches to make, breakfast to cook and backpacks to be packed. Then they are off to school and it’s time for work. My days are packed with meetings, emails, and more to-do lists. And before I blink it’s time for school pick-up and if I can running to the store get the eggs I forgot before I get my son off the bus. Followed by snack time and homework and “mom what’s for dinner” while I try to finish my work day.
Dinner takes longer to cook than it should. I spend an hour begging the kids to “please just sit down and eat dinner” and before I’ve taken a bite I’m being asked for water or a napkin or more dinner.
Then bedtime and bath time and story time and tears over “just one more book” and when the kids are finally tucked into bed and I’ve poured a glass of wine that to-do list sits mostly undone.
And amidst all of that, it’s easy to forget that I matter too. That taking care of myself is important. Whether it is finally making that overdue dentist appointment or going for a run or getting my hair done.
Last year, I let a lot of things that keep me healthy (mentally and physically) slip. I haven’t done the best job of taking care of me. I was talking to a friend the other day and she said, “you matter too” and you know what, she was right. So if you’ve been putting yourself last, in case you needed to hear it, you matter too.

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