Lately, I feel like I can’t believe I’m going to be 40 in 2 years and then I look at my friends who are in their 40’s and think, we are all still young. We all still know how to have a good time.
There is something to be said about being older and wiser and knowing that no stage of life lasts forever. I remember being a teenager and every small occurrence was like the biggest most dramatic thing. Now that I’m older I know this too shall pass. I care less about the small stuff and what other people think. And 38 is so much better than being 18 ever was.

38 Things I Know at 38
- Always have a good brownie or cookie mix in the house. I don’t know how many times I’ve forgotten to make something for a party or we’ve had people over at the last minute and I wanted to put something out.
- Have friends who will tell you the hard stuff, the stuff you don’t want to hear, the stuff you can’t say to yourself. Have friends who can be honest with you and who you can be honest with.
- Being honest doesn’t mean being cruel, mean or insulting.
- Say sorry and mean it.
- Talk to you kids about big topics. There are age-appropriate ways to talk about a variety of topics. Set them up to be thoughtful, engaged adults.
- When in doubt reference Harry Potter. I don’t know how many times I’ve navigated a tough situation by referencing Harry Potter.
- Read. And even better read as a family. Family reading time is something we started this year and it’s my favorite time of day, especially during the busy school week.
- Get an Instant Pot it really is as amazing as everyone says.
- Wear clothing that makes you feel comfortable, whatever that may be.
- When you find something you love buy it in every color.
- Stop saving clothes for the right occasion.
- Be informed.
- Stop watching cable news.
- Delete Facebook off your phone. Then do it again and again till you finally are free of it.
- Social media isn’t real life.
- Get fitted for a bra and not at Victoria’s Secret. Trust me it will change your life.
- Travel every chance you get and go someplace new as often as possible.
- Find friends that you can travel with. One of my families greatest blessings is having found friends who we love traveling with.
- It’s ok to not like someone even if they have been in your life for a long time. It’s ok to mute toxic people.
- Take time to take pictures and not of your food. I’ve never regretted taking a picture.
- Do a quick clean up halfway through a party. You will be glad you did at the end of the night.
- Drink the good wine.
- Don’t drink wine you don’t like.
- When in doubt make sangria
- Give your children bedtimes and stick to them.
- You are never too old to start a new chapter of your life.
- Find a job you love. My work doesn’t feel like work, most of the time.
- Pick your own flowers instead of waiting for someone else to bring you flowers.
- There is never going to be enough time for the things or people you love.
- If a book isn’t good in the first 50 pages move on.
- Vote. Even in local elections, even if you think it doesn’t matter, even if it means dragging your kids along. You are doing something important.
- Having good friends makes all the difference. It makes the good times better and the bad times more bearable.
- Stop making your life harder in order to make someone else’s easier.
- Think before you say no. Especially to your kids. It’s easy to get trapped in a cycle of saying no.
- Go on that girls weekend you keep talking about.
- Know when it’s time to leave a party
- Don’t accept other adults bad behavior.
- Let it go. Stop holding on to people or things or grudges or hard feelings. Let that shit go.
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