Technically it’s barely even summer, but where I grew up the summer has always started on Memorial Day weekend.
That’s when my sleepy tourist town would come to life. Bars and Restaurants would open back up. The boardwalk filled with families and the beach was the place to be.
So here it’s been summer for nearly a month, and so far we’ve packed in a lot of fun.
Jack has been riding around town in his wagon and he loves it, and we love that it conveniently holds a 12 pack of Landshark, (thanks Mom-Mom and Pop!).
We’ve spent more time at the playground than the beach but we are hoping to rectify that situation this weekend, since the Jersey Shore is currently in it’s first heat wave.
Jack had his first Hot Dog at Lou Dog’s in Sea Isle. Lou Dogs was the first place I worked and such a fun part of my life that I knew that Jack’s first hot dog had to be a Lou Dog.
Jack has mastered building block towers and learned to say, “uh-oh” when they inevitably fall down. He has discovered bubbles, couch climbing and slide riding.
We’ve been able to spend time with friends who we don’t see as much during the winter. My friends daughter and Jack seem to be the perfect playmates.
So far it’s been a good summer. It’s taken some adjusting and some shifting. Some days we are still out of sorts. Not being in your own space will do that to you. There have been bumps along the way but I like to think that so far summer 2012 has been good to us.
Jack is so cute! Glad that you are able to get out a bit and enjoy the nice, sunny weather. It's already way too hot and humid here most days. 🙂 It is so sweet that you were able to share your hot dog past with your boy. I think that's part of the fun of being a mom.
Sharing my past and the things I love with him is one of my favorite parts of being a mom.
Aw he's adorable! Glad you're having a lovely summer. May you have many more fab summer weeks!
Aw thank you!
Oh, love the collage! Such a fab summer snapshot!
Thank you!
He is SO cute! I'm glad you're having a great summer so far. We started out strong (and busy) and have slowed down a little, which is just fine with me!
We are having a great summer. For us the business seems to come and go, I can only take so much go, go, go before I need to calm down.
What a little ham he is. I remember park days so well, spent half my life there it seems. Now it's all about the beach!
The further we get into the summer the more about the beach it is.
I am enjoying my summer days so much too! Catching up with friends that hibernate in the winter, drinking yummy cold beer & cocktails, spending my days with my daughters…it is all good! Keep up the fun! Time goes so quickly. Capture all of the memories that you can. 🙂
So glad to hear that you are enjoying your summer.