It’s been a long, snowy, rainy, windy week here in New Jersey. And I just needed some mindless fun. So here is come Old School Blogging, courtesy of Elaine and Heather.
What were you doing 10 Years Ago?
I was 21! Living in Galloway, NJ going to college and preparing for my first spring break trip to Key West with my roommates Anne and Allison.
(Oddly and thankfully there are no pictures from when I was 21 floating around on the Internet, which goes to show how times have changed. )
What 5 things are on your to do list?
Pack for Florida : )
Call my mom
Research property tax reassessments
Make muffins
Can you guess which one I’m dreading?
What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
Cheese, especially the fancy overpriced ones at the wine shop.
Cupcakes, the hubs says I have a pastry problem
Wine, yeah it’s an after hours snack
Madacasse Chocolate bars (that coincidentally I buy at the wine shop that sells the fancy cheese)
Tomatoes and hummus
Name some things you would do if you were a millionaire
Buy a house in Key West
Hirer a cleaning lady
And a Nanny (yeah what’s the point of having all that money if I still can’t have a date night)
Get a pool
Name some places you have lived
Philadelphia, PA
Sea Isle City, NJ
Galloway, NJ
Somers Point, NJ
Name some bad habits you have
I’m always late and I just don’t care
I don’t listen to my voicemail
I eat recklessly when I’m stressed out
I get stressed out very easily
Name some jobs you’ve had
Waitress at a dive bar
Pharmacy Technician
Babysitter to Taylor Swift (yes, that Taylor Swift)
So what were you up to 10 years ago?
Babysitter to Taylor Swift? That is pretty cool. If my daughter knew that, she would ask you endless questions….thankfully for you, she doesn't know, and she doesn't read blogs.
LOL my cousin is a tween and she always asks a zillion questions. Most of which i don't know the answers too.
I'm a little blown away by the Taylor Swift fact too! ha! And I like your taste in snacks and your cute photo. 🙂
Thanks for linking up, girl!
I'm blown away by the Taylor Swift thing too. To think at 11 I gave up the best job opportunity ever.
I'm always late too. I care, but just not enough to try harder to be on time, I guess.
Lol that's how i tend to feel.
Your bad habit list made me laugh. I usually get around to my VM sooner or later, but I certainly don't jump on it.
I delete it without listening and the other day i accidently deleted an important message. i guess i need to work on that habit.
I used to be perpetually on time but not since having a kid. And it's not because of kids that I'm late either – it's like my biology changed and I can't be on time anymore. Problem is it totally stresses me out! Damn kids. 😉
I was always late before kids, now i just have an excuse.
I had to look really hard to find pictures of myself from 10 tens ago… that's kinda a nice feeling.
It is a nice feeling to have to search for the pictures everything seems so instant these days.
I can't believe you babysat Taylor Swift! My girls love her. I've never taken them to a concert but on a whim checked online to see how much tickets were to her concert. They started at about $150. Then I thought "I wonder how much front row tickets are?" $8,500!!!!!!!!!!!! What??????
So I guess that is what I'd do with a million bucks. Buy 3 front row Taylor Swift tickets. Actually, no I could never drop that much cash. But I would spring for the $500 seats.
Oh and 10 years ago I had a 2 year old, newborn and was in total mommy bliss.
I would never pay that for a concert though if I had a million bucks I might.
You will have to expand on babysitting Taylor Swift. I babysat a member of a boy band and a girl who went to prison for hiring someone to murder her husband.
Ok now I need to know which boy band it was!