Things kids say….
In the car on the way to school…
“Mommy I don’t want to get bigger, why do I have to grow up, I want to stay this size”.
On the stairs before leaving for my in-laws…
“You’re the best Mommy in the whole wide world”
After coming home from my in-laws…
“You’re the worst mommy in the whole world”
While getting dressed…
“Can I get a new head?”
“Why can’t I just take this one off?” (attempts to remove )
At bedtime…
“You’re my best friend… mommy mommy wait…I have to tell you something …this is the worst bedtime ever”
Things kids Say…
At breakfast time…
“I’m not a Spider-man I’m a Jackson they are just jammies.”
While trying to climb on my lap while I drink my coffee….
“I call you laddie, I call you crispy grim…I call you side kick, what a side kick?”
While cuddling on the couch…
“You’re my star.”
“You’re my star too.”
“No, I’m you’re snuggle puppy, I don’t want to be a star.”
While having lunch at a restaurant…
“This is exasperating you forgot to ask them for a roll.”
When squeezing by my chair while I work…
“You have Amazon?!”
“Yes everyone has Amazon.”
“Nan has Amazon, do you have google too”
Take my head off – OH MY. That is waaaay too funny!
I know I was like, no please don't.
I loved "Attempts to remove." hahaha
It was so funny.
"exasperating"…what great vocabulary! LOL
I know! Sometimes he amazes me with all the words he knows.
Love the use of exasperating! 3 year olds are a hoot!
Yes they are!
Oh Threenagers, aren't they grand?!
Threenager is the perfect term for them.
lol these are too cute!! what a good idea to write all of these funny things down!
I kept them on a list in my phone for awhile just cause I wanted to remember them.
HAHA – that's so great!
Thank you!
so funny! I need to keep track of things my 2 year old says.
I kept them in a notes section of my phone so that when he said something funny I could quickly add it to the list before I forgot.
Love this! My 3 1/2 year old says some crazy funny things too! They're logic at this age kills me. 🙂