Pregnancy emotions are no joke and I will be the first to admit that lately I’ve had some irrational, overly emotional, and totally scatterbrained moments the past few weeks. And I have to warn you it may only get worse because I’m sorry I’m pregnant.
I’m sorry, I’m pregnant…
I made plans with you only to cancel at the last minute, because I was tired or cranky.
I ate the last of the birthday cake that was in the house.
I’ve confirmed an event that I run, and then completely forgot about it.
I’ve triple checked myself, asked for help, and then figured out I was doing it wrong.
I’ve shown up to your event with nothing because I either forgot or couldn’t be bothered.
I’ve burst into tears when a former boss randomly congratulated me and hugged me at work.
I’ve sent angry emails in response to being asked a question for the third time.
I made plans with you then changed them, then changed them again, cause I can’t keep a schedule straight in my head.
I have become overly emotional about all television shows and no longer let my husband watch the news.
A phone call made me angry and I locked myself in the bathroom for half an hour.
I angry cleaned said bathroom while locked in there.
I’ve snapped at people for no reason. I’ve taken things out of context. I’ve taken things personal that really aren’t.
Commercials make me cry.
I’ve yelled at the computer and slammed my hands on my desk in a fit of rage.
I’ve used “I’m pregnant” as an excuse for bad behavior.
And I’m sorry I’m pregnant, except I’m not really sorry, I AM pregnant and the mood swings and hormones and tears come with the territory. So if you can just bear with me for the next few months, I promise I’ll recover from this. Of course then we will have those postpartum hormones to deal with…
I have to say that I marvel at the pregnant moms who seem to function as if nothing is different. The last time I was pregnant I was a mess. Going to the grocery store was like an Olympic event for me. I pretty much stopped living my life for 7 months. I wasn’t sorry either. Growing twins was hard work. Hang in there, it gets better. You know before it gets worse through the newborn phase.
Lol yes the newborn phase, is rough and the grocery store really is an Olympic sport for me, same goes with shopping at Target, though I enjoy that more.
I was a giant ball of hormones when I was pregnant- so emotional all the time. I wonder what my excuse is now.
LOL I know I keep telling people that I was like this before pregnancy I just hid it better. These days I have no filter.